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Writer's pictureTe Hōnonga a Iwi

May 2023 project update

The following actions and outputs have been achieved across May at Te Hōnonga a Iwi:

- North Harbour Hockey Association (NHHA) completed the draft inaugural Integrated Value Report (IVR) including profiling Te Hōnonga a Iwi model and outcomes. Massey University Associate Professor Warwick Stent and statistician Sarah Colin have been instrumental in enabling NHHA to undertake the first report that captures the value of sustainable action in a holistic manner that a more traditional end-of-year financial report has been able to do. NHHA will share the IVR with Te Hōnonga a Iwi stakeholders in the June monthly report.

- We met with Auckland Council representatives at the site to ensure compliance with the Landowner Consent and discuss the possibility for Council to develop a public path to enable the community to walk through the bush.

- We have two new youth leaders in the pest plant space at the site. We welcome Milo Sandler (Rangitoto College) and Jerry Chen (Kristin School) to the project and look forward to supporting their leadership and growth in the sustainability space. We will be orientating both youth leaders to the project health and safety plans and upskilling them on their work with managing pest plants across the site on a monthly basis.

- Sheryl Blythen continues to produce two pieces per month for our website and we thank her for her investment in bringing the varied aspects of Te Hōnonga a Iwi to life.

- Te Hōnonga a Iwi met with Graham Dingle Foundation representatives to talk about partnering with the Foundation to provide growth opportunities for important youth in some of their programmes to add considerable value to meeting Te Hōnonga a Iwi’s vision and objectives. We look forward to welcoming Foundation staff on site to talk further about the opportunities we can co-create.

- The 2023 Sustainable Business Awards have opened their application pathway. Te Hōnonga a Iwi will be submitting an application for a SBN award.

- The live cat trapping team has finished the process we needed to undertake to inform the local neighbours about our intentions to humanely trap the wild cats at the restoration site and in the process, ensure that there was not a known pet cat in our area. ICB have been leaving bait in the unset live trap cage to help the wild cats get used to the bait. We will be trapping from Monday to Friday only as we need immediate access to Albany Vet to transfer the cat when caught to do a vet assessment, check for microchips, and undertake any urgent treatment prior to transferring to a local cat rehoming programme or the SPCA. We thank Les Wootton and Dan Marrow for supplying bait for live cat trapping.

- Te Hōnonga a Iwi continues to attend the UWEN monthly umbrella meetings and the UWEN Rail Trail meetings. We receive significant support from UWEN in terms of shared expertise and as a vehicle for communicating regional ecological opportunities available to us. We thank UWEN for their continued investment in Te Hōnonga a Iwi.

- We noted that one of the bioreactors has changed its position and leaning toward the stream. The bioorganic matter is sitting low in the reactor and it is difficult to shift it. We plan to strap the reactor to its neighbours to ensure safety.

- We have contacted Ventia who are kindly mowing the new extension as close to the ground as possible to enable us to sow a cover crop and plant in June and July.

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