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February 2022 Project Update

Writer's picture: Te Hōnonga a IwiTe Hōnonga a Iwi

Updated: Sep 15, 2022

As the Restoring Rosedale Park project gets underway, stakeholders are coming together to bring this mahi to life.

The following actions have occurred since the group e-meet on Teams Feb 16 2022:

1. Bryce Collins and Amanda Green (HNZ and NHHA) offering IT support for the project

2. Dan has secured 3,500 plants for the Restoration!

3. Jan Knight, Bob, Renee (Bark Ltd) and MetLifeCare have agreed to become a plant nursery for the 3 500 plants on site at the retirement home. Onsite meeting held with our Older Adult team members. Metlifecare sustainability manager many need contacting. Manger Metlifecare and Bark Ltd (garden curators) both in full support of the project. Bark ltd would like the opportunity to participate in the bio-organic education sessions.

4. Matt Cummings and Nicky Shave are back up nursery carers

5. All schools are receiving invitations for the students to be involved in specialist meetings. None attended to date.

6. Bronwyn Coomer-Smit (Chair NHHA) reformatted the draft proposal in ‘Plain Speak’ format in readiness for submission

7. John McKellar, Auckland Council identified the restoration site is a ‘Significant Environmental Area’

8. Project confirmed as requiring Landowner Consent

9. Application for Landowner consent underway - Nicky

10. Project registered for Tane’s Trees that Count (My Trees Count) Tree Trust programme. This will provide another project data set: tree survival

11. Education session; Soil microscopy under planning with Matt/Schools. Matt can use his microscope/screen better with individual oil samples for each course participant

12. Need lab with compound shadowing condenser microscope for each student/? Bark Ltd

13. ASHS and Kristin offered to host soil microscopy workshop. Lead teachers Toni and Sarah investigating feasibility for a spring course. NHHA can host if issues with schools hosting visitors at the time

14. Data collect from soil microscopy will form part of final data set

15. James Gow, Bird photographer and Native plant advocate from Palmers Garden Centre agreed to do monthly photography of bird life in the surrounds. On site meeting planned.

16. Second water quality analysis lead by Peter and Briar (Whitebait connection) achieved. Third session in March will focus on developing aquatic diversity analysis skills to enable data collection. Main testing site has been determined. One further downstream will be assessed for fit for project purpose in March teaching session.

17. Briar, Whitebait Connection has placed a request to Wai Care for ongoing support and supply of equipment to enable ongoing water analysis.

18. Peter, with Briar's support has identified main sites for quality testing. Peter will source a site upstream of the project to ensure comparative data possible throughout the project.

19. Met with Kevin O’Leary, BNH. Very supported and excited to be a part of the project, support the development of business networking and support the sourcing of pallets from the local waste stream

20. Initial contact made with local wards John Watson and Wayne Walker. Both responded and Nicky needs to ensure follow-up to brief the two Wards on the project proposal

21. Conversations with NHHA Māori representative, Riki Burgess and Carole, UHEN re ensuring mana whenua involvement/partnership is offered

22. Sam Weston began Project Creative Design brief

23. Sheryl Blythen began media/communication project planning

24. Received the documentary arts quote

25. Application for Arts funding underway- Nicky

26. Meeting to talk further with Enviro Schools leader, Anna Harrison underway

27. Feedback sought re proposal first draft closed. Final doc underway. Nicky

28. PowerPoint for proposal presentation to Upper Harbour Local Board on April 7 underway – Nicky

29. Plant pest workshop opportunities shared with team

30. Contact made with Prof Glenn Banks, Head School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, Dr Allanah Ryan, Director of Sustainability, Massey University, Wesley Webb, Faculty of Ecology, Massey University and Caryn Zinn, Research, SPRINZ, AUT.

31. Blurb and request for academic sent to the Ecology department with support from Wes Webb, Ecology Faculty

32. E-Met with Allanah Ryan. Allanah has joined this team. She is connecting with colleagues at Albany campus who are working on a similar ‘Life Lab’ project in the escarpment behind Massey University. Excellent opportunity to learn from each other as the project's progress. Request made for academic support with producing research outcomes.

33. UHEN have applied for some group funding for ecological projects.

34. Matt produced an estimated quote for land clearance

35. Dan affirmed capacity to absorb land clearance costs, subject to approval

36. Matt working on readying new excavator with mulch head set in time for land clearance in second week of April, subject to Land Owner Approval

37. UHEN have connected Project with a potential crowdfunding source (Collinson) via a request from the Natural Environment Defence Foundation – Nicky made contact with Jade Li

38. Contact made with Montessorie Kindy Manager, interest expressed in becoming involved in sewing cover crop or planting phases. Proposal sent to Montessori. Nicky to follow up.

39. Women for Climate Leadership mentorship programme application sent to Team members

40. First Mana Whenua e-meeting taken place. Extraordinary support from Tracy Davis. Agreement that a Matariki Celebration will take place in June/July with a symbolic planning of Totara grove by Community leaders on site. Hangi. Discussion about the project name was driven by Nicky. The team will do more research to try to ascertain the traditional/Māori name for Rosedale and or the Alexender Stream.

41. Significant connections with Mana whenua enabled by Tracy and Carole, UHEN including Charmaine and Sarah

42. Correspondence made to Sarah Chapman to request project endorsement from Ngati Whatua O Kaipara

43. Dan connecting Project with possible funding for the Matariki event within Council

44. John McKellar, Dan provided additional clarity and information in preparation for Land Owner Consent

45. Work with Ryan and Frisbee Golf re path intent needs to be done urgently

46. UHEN connected the team with a research scientist, Hira Hunapo involved in local The Landing Restoration Group who is researching the effects of the use of Roundup to control plant pests. The Rosedale Proposal has been shared with her. And feedback to improve sought.

47. UHEN connected ASHS Science teacher with the project. Contact made.

48. Second Project Communications meeting occurred. Sheryl is formulating a high level one page doc format for us to work on. Sam presented the results of the creative brief. This is available in draft form under Planning Channel on Teams. It is outstanding.

49. Communications team with Tracy and Nicholas's support researching old maps etc to source information about old names for Rosedale/stream. Several key mana whenua contacts have been asked for information. Takapuna Library is undertaking an extensive lit search on our behalf. We may need to approach Council archives if necessary.

50. Once research completed re the historic names for the area, this team, including Mana whenua, will be consulted and asked to approve the use of a name. Sam will incorporate that into the final graphic designs and electronic collateral for the team to use.

51. Dan may be able to link the project in with sourcing 60l/2m totara specimens for Matariki planting

52. Xiaoman Shao, Head of Chinese, Long Bay College has agreed to join NHHA Sustainability committee and this group to support Chinese involvement

53. Work underway to source 7 1000l water containers from waste stream

54. Final sourcing of bio-organic material costs underway now

55. Final draft to be disseminated to the team for approval shortly

56. Updated Team contact list to be completed shortly

57. Ongoing volunteer hours being collated.

Huge thanks to all team members for your ongoing mahi and willingness to invest heavily into the restoration

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